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A Mother's Love- Part 2


A Mother's Love- Part 2

Each day I felt the heaviness of losing the girl that I had always wanted, but my love for the little boy grew as he continued to develop. I was so afraid that something would happen to him. What if I lost him too?


A Mother's Love- Part One


A Mother's Love- Part One

This may be the hardest thing I will ever write.  I keep putting off writing it because when I think about it, I worry that I will re-open the wound that will never heal. It is one of those wounds that scar you for life. The scar tingles, and aches every time I see lilies growing in a garden, bows in hair, and ruffles on dresses. I have come to realize though, that wound IS healing…more and more every day. The reason for that healing is a beautiful little boy with ringlets in his toe head blonde hair and a contagious smile. He brought me back to life when I thought all was lost. He was the unexpected dawn that took me out of darkness.