I am sure that you have experienced a moment in your life when you smelled something and it triggered an emotional response in your body. Perhaps it was the smell of a candle, or the freshly cut grass, the delicious aroma of chocolate chip cookies fresh out of the oven. What memory or feeling did that aroma trigger?
For most of my life I have had a connection with SMELL and that relationship deepened about 23 years ago when I first opened a bottle of essential oil. Pure bliss. It was like plants in a bottle, so that no matter where I was I could take them with me. Nature could follow me around, even when I was surrounded by concrete buildings and cars. I didn't know why these concentrated oils of pure blissfulness had such an effect on me. Turns out that my BRAIN was responding the these aromas, via the olfactory system and that whenever I used them my whole body was being effected by the therapeutic benefits of that plant. I jumped head first into the exploration of medicinal plants and essential oils. I got a tealight burner so I could diffuse the essential oils in my home. I took herbology classes, making tinctures and salves. I was intrigued and hooked. My path took lots of twists and turns throughout life. I studied Yoga, Massage, went back to school (all of this is a different story for a different time).
Fast forward to 3 years ago. An old friend of mine sees my frequent posts on facebook about natural health and wellness, and she asks me a question...."Have you heard of essential oils?" HAVE I HEARD OF ESSENTIAL OILS!!!! I love them!! But the thing is that over the last few years I hadn't been using the ones that I had. They were collecting dust on my shelves, going rancid in the medicine cabinet. What had happened to my precious beautiful aromas. I told my friend about my experience with essential oils in the past. She asked if she could send me some samples of her favorite essential oils. I said yes of course but how could they possibly be any better than the ones I already had?
They were. So much better. Purer, more potent, safer, and pretty much life changing.
The last 3 years have been filled with educating, teaching, creating, cooking, and tackling every health ailment I can think of using these amazing essential oils. I adore them and my health, energy and emotions and that of my family and friends have been impacted positively by these precious gifts of the earth. I wholeheartedly believe that plants were put on this earth for us to use to heal our bodies. Everything that we need is here....we just need to know how to use it.
I am here to help. Still, often times when I open a bottle of sandalwood essential oil, smell the steam coming from my chamomile tea or brush past a sage plant in the forest or on a hike...I am filled with a sense of peace and focus. I truly believe that I am here on this earth to help people feel empowered to be healthy, be their best self, and follow their dreams.
For more information on my favorite brand of essential oils click HERE. Stay tuned for fun recipes, webinars and DIY projects!